

Well I am 59 years old I am on SSI For various reasons I have three children that I never see Or talk to I have very few friends because I’ve got to the point where I despise going out in public because my most famous phrase nowadays is huh what did you say?And to be quite honest people don’t like to talk to you when you’re that way not to mention it’s very embarrassing and it’s getting worse every day oh I did finally get some hearing aids without them I wouldn’t be able to hear at all but I still can’t understand what people are saying in a conversation if I sit right under a speaker I can understandMost of the church service but not all of it seems like I always miss the most important part I’ll just watch TV with the close caption and keep the sound turn down because there’s no need in listening it’s so very frustrating  But I have recently discovered In fact just tonight I discovered that if I push my fingers over the front part of my ear and push-up and in I can hear so much better I’m going to go tomorrow and talk to the people that I bought the hearing aids from I’ll see if maybe there some way to get that effect all the time!!And I am a Christian and I would appreciate your prayers as I will pray for you all thanks for listening that’s all I got