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Are there hearing aids that can connect to Bluetooth devices using the standard Bluetooth protocol, without requiring additional accessories?

Abram Bailey

Professional Member

06 April 2023 - 462 Views

Yes, you can purchase any of the last few generations of Phonak hearing aids, which is A2DP for audio streaming over Bluetooth. Check out Phonak Lumity for the latest product family from Phonak. The Kirkland Signature 10.0 also offered A2DP Bluetooth streaming, at a lower price, but this is no longer sold by Costco. You could also check out Unitron products, which are also manufactured by Sonova. If you go with another manufacturer, you'll end needing an accessory to connect to non smartphone devices... but if all you need is connectivity to Android or iPhone, than most modern hearing aids support this via ASHA (for Android) or MFi (for iPhone). Notably hands-free calling only works with MFi or with Sonova products, which use the HFP (hands free profile) protocol. We talk about all this and more on our Bluetooth guide.

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