Phonak Lyric 4 vs. Phonak Virto Infinio
Check out our comparison of the Phonak Lyric 4 vs Phonak Virto Infinio. See how the two hearing aids differ in terms of technology features, accessories, and more.
The Phonak Lyric 4 is a unique, 100% invisible hearing aid that is deeply inserted into the ear canal by a specialist and can be worn continuously for months without removal. It offers natural sound quality, comfort improvements over previous models, and is particularly effective for those with mild to moderate hearing loss, but lacks modern connectivity features like Bluetooth streaming.
The Phonak Virto Infinio is a custom in-ear hearing aid line featuring advanced sound processing technology powered by Phonak's ERA chip, designed to enhance sound quality, connectivity, and personalization. Available in multiple form factors, these hearing aids offer a discreet and customizable solution for individuals with mild to severe hearing loss.
- Mild
- Moderate
- Mild
- Moderate
- Severe
- Program control
- Volume Control
- SoundLync
- MiniControl