Yesterday was a huge day for the hearing aid industry. The annual World Hearing Day is held each year on March 3rd to “raise awareness on how to prevent deafness and hearing loss and promote ear and hearing care across the world.” [WHO] An integral part of “hearing care” is the provision of hearing aids, which means World Hearing Day also offers to bolster device sales for audiology practices and hearing aid manufacturers around the globe.

World Hearing Day is typically heavily promoted across the hearing industry, and we tend to see a number of hearing loss, hearing care, and hearing device related press releases hit the news on March 3rd. According to Google Trends, World Hearing Day was a smashing success. Interest peaked at around 9AM yesterday:

One of the surprise stories to hit my inbox yesterday came from Walgreens News. The story—“From Hear to There”— highlighted a new partnership between Lexie Hearing® and Walgreens Find Care®, which offers a free “online hearing test + results” and “free consultation with hearing expert.” The offer page indicates that the new service is “commonly used for” ear pain, hearing difficulty, tinnitus, hearing care, etc, and describes Lexie Hearing as an “innovative company in the direct-to-consumer hearing aid market in the United States.”

Walgreens Find Care® website with Lexie promo
Walgreens Find Care® website with Lexie promo popup shown.

The Walgreens News story highlights the recent success story of Lexie Hearing customer, Michael Furton:

Well, I trust Walgreens, so why not check it out? I took Lexie Hearing’s online hearing test, which was very easy, and you can do the test as many times as you want. The technology automatically sets up the best parameters for you. When I received my box of hearing solutions with accessories, I downloaded their app and used the step-by-step guide to customize my hearing profile. I was set up in no time, and whenever I’ve had a question, I can contact their customer service staff via video, phone call or chat for help. They’re super responsive.

Lexie Hearing and Walgreens
Lexie Hearing sells direct-to-consumer hearing aids that are supported remotely by Lexie Hearing "hearing experts"

To learn more about the product and services sold by Lexie Hearing, or learn more about the company itself, check out our recent story about the company. To read customer reviews for Lexie Hearing’s product, check out our product page for the Lexie Lumen.