International Hearing Society Dedicates New World Headquarters
IHS, the primary membership organization of hearing aid specialists, dedicated its new headquarters in Farmington Hills, Mich—home to 75 Fortune 500 companies and one of the most diverse cities of its size in the United States.)
FARMINGTON HILLS, MICH – The International Hearing Society (IHS) celebrated the official grand opening of its newly remodeled world headquarters in Farmington Hills, Mich, on April 30th, with a speaking program and ribbon-cutting ceremony. IHS Board of Governors, sponsors (including several leading hearing aid manufacturer executives), donors, past IHS presidents, local dignitaries, and staff, attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony, which also included lunch and tours of the building and sponsored spaces.
IHS President Patrick Kochanowski, BS, ACA, BC-HIS, opened the ceremony stating, “The bond of providing more people with exceptional hearing healthcare is at the heart of why we are gathered here today. I am so excited to celebrate this outstanding achievement for the Society and what it means to the expansion and protection of the hearing aid specialist profession—which ultimately leads to greater access to hearing healthcare.”
The following sponsor representatives attended and delivered remarks during the Tuesday morning event, listed here with their sponsored space.
- Signia Hearing – President Mike O’Neil and Vice President of Commercial Sales Michael Guiden (Conference & Learning Center)
- Starkey – Audibel Managing Director Steve Olsen and Exclusive Networks Field Manager Tony Petrosino (Museum & Innovation Space)
- Andreozzi Family - Michael Andreozzi, BS, BC-HIS (Hospitality Hub)
- Kitch Attorneys & Counselors, PC – John Hessburg, Esq. (Reception Area)
- Wisconsin Alliance of Hearing Professionals – Todd Beyer, ACA, BC-HIS (Media Studio)
- Beltone – Michael Andreozzi for Beltone North America President David Molella (Technology)
- Oticon – President Gary Rosenblum (Outdoor Event Area)
- Greg Thompson, BC-HIS, in Honor of Ken Dahlberg (Wellness Room)
- Listen Hear, LLC – Greg Thompson, BC-HIS (Communications Hub)
- National Board for Certification in Hearing Instrument Sciences – Past NBC-HIS Chair John Letts, BC-HIS (Courtyard)
- Education and Professional Development Donors – Douglas Lewis, AuD, CCC-A, JD, PhD, MBA
Farmington Hills Mayor Theresa Rich welcomed IHS as a new member of the community and shared her first-hand knowledge of the important work IHS members do to help people live more fulfilled lives through better hearing. Rich noted that the new IHS headquarters is perfectly situated in one of the most diverse cities of its size in the US, touting Farmington Hills as home to 75 of the Fortune 500 companies and a place where 67 different languages are spoken. Also highlighting IHS’ global flair, IHS Immediate Past President Annette Cross, BC-HIS, traveled from Alberta, Canada, to present at the momentous occasion. She was joined by three other past IHS Presidents: Alan Lowell, ACA, BC-HIS; Thomas Higgins, ACA; and Todd Beyer, ACA, BC-HIS.
IHS President-Elect and Capital Campaign Chair Michael Andreozzi, BS, BC-HIS, said, “The International Hearing Society and its rich history has been embedded in me from my father Rocco Andreozzi since I was a young boy learning the hearing profession around 12 years old! My dad always talked to me about the dedication of and hard work that the IHS team in Livonia, Michigan, did for us and the endless hours many of them put in each day in order to ensure we all had a profession for today, tomorrow, and years to come…..After I became an IHS Governor and visited the tiny Livonia IHS office that I had heard about since I was a boy, I knew we needed something bigger and better, and much more up-to-date, that emulates the direction this Society is going and will be heading. It really was from that moment forward that I personally was determined to make sure that we found a way to secure for IHS a building they deserved. Our Board of Governors approved this bold move and project. It was the most ambitious and largest investment this Society ever had committed to in its entire history, but we all knew we needed it and it would be a game changer for us and our members.”
Andreozzi acknowledged the generous donors and sponsors, “It was very exciting to see the financial commitments we received from so many people, from those who purchased bricks for our entrance to those who contributed at Bronze to Diamond Levels, to the major donors who have rooms and spaces named on their behalf for the generous commitments they made to IHS and our capital campaign. This building would not be possible without the support of all of those who gave to this project. Thank you!” He applauded the long hours and dedication of the other Capital Campaign Committee members:
- Todd Beyer, ACA, BC-HIS
- Annette Cross, BC-HIS
- Rick Giles, ACA, BC-HIS
- Fred Goossen, M.Ed., BC-HIS
- Clell Hamm, BC-HIS
- Toby Hill, ACA, BC-HIS
- Patrick Kochanowski, BS, ACA, BC-HIS
- Alan Lowell, ACA, BC-HIS
- Leanne Polhill, BA, BC-HIS
Executive Director Alissa Parady presented Andreozzi with a plaque and golden scissors to mark the momentous occasion. She thanked IHS staff for their work, and all in attendance, including those who traveled long distances to attend the historic event and those who viewed the ceremony online. The ceremony and ribbon cutting was live streamed on social media outlets and is available for viewing on Facebook and LinkedIn.
The new international headquarters houses the 73-year-old International Hearing Society that is devoted to the education, advancement, protection, and promotion of hearing healthcare professionals and the services they provide to help individuals hear better.
The ceremony marked the conclusion of a three-year venture undertaken by the IHS Board of Governors to find, fund, remodel, and outfit a modern facility to conduct the business of supporting members who provide valuable hearing healthcare services in the communities they serve. This larger location provides ample space to conduct the Society’s business and expands opportunities for the growing profession of Hearing Aid Specialist. The building also houses the National Board for Certification in Hearing Instrument Sciences (NBC-HIS), the credentialing organization that maintains the board certification for hearing healthcare professionals.
About the International Hearing Society
The International Hearing Society (IHS) is a membership association that represents hearing healthcare professionals worldwide, including hearing aid specialists. IHS members are engaged in the practice of performing hearing assessments; ordering the use of, selecting, fitting, and dispensing hearing instruments; counseling patients; and providing aftercare services. Founded in 1951, IHS protects, represents, and promotes the interests of hearing healthcare and hearing healthcare professionals. For more information, please visit the IHS website.