Best Buy will be adding its “in-store hearing aid experience” in 200 of the company’s stores this summer, with an additional 100 added in the fall, bringing the total to over 600, according to the company. The in-store hearing aid experience is designed to make it more convenient for millions of Americans with mild-to-moderate hearing loss to get the products and assistance they need, including over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids and personal sound amplification products (PSAPs).

This fall, Best Buy says it will offer nearly 30 OTC hearing aids and PSAPs, along with TV amplifiers and hearing accessories, with prices ranging from $199-$3,000 per pair. Before purchasing, customers are encouraged to complete the online hearing assessment tool from hearX, which is designed to help identify their specific level of hearing loss and give them an idea of which hearing solution might best fit their needs.

Screenshot of Best Buy's Hearing Assessment tool which is powered by hearX.
Screenshot of Best Buy's Hearing Assessment tool which is powered by hearX.

Starting in August, you can also use an online Hearing Aid selector tool that recommends specific products based on hearing loss level and lifestyle needs. It uses questions like “Are you comfortable using an app on your phone?” and “Do you need an all-day hearing aid or situational use only?” Potential products for purchase appear in response to the customers’ selected answers.

According to Best Buy, its in-house “Best Buy Blue Shirts” in select stores have received training from its partner suppliers on topics like the anatomy of the ear, stages of hearing loss, general fitting techniques, and different features of various devices and brands.

The in-store hearing experience will include the following devices, with more from Sony, Lexie, and Go Hearing coming this fall: