The AudioNova and Connect Hearing logos are being joined for the moment as Connect rebrands to AudioNova. Both are brands of the world's largest hearing aid manufacturer, the Switzerland-based Sonova Group.
The AudioNova and Connect Hearing logos are being joined for the moment as Connect rebrands to AudioNova. Both are brands of the world's largest hearing aid manufacturer, the Switzerland-based Sonova Group.

Connect Hearing Centers, a US hearing aid retail chain with over 160 locations owned by Sonova Holding AG, is now being rebranded into AudioNova. This 2-year process utilizing the AudioNova name is designed to help consolidate and coordinate Sonova's global retail position, which includes ownership of some of the leading brands in hearing healthcare, including Phonak, Unitron, Lyric, Sennheiser, and cochlear implant-maker Advanced Bionics. Hearing aids offered by AudioNova / Connect Hearing generally range between $998 to $7740 a pair, for over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription hearing aids, respectively.

A stalwart of the European hearing industry, AudioNova is the world's second-largest hearing aid retail chain behind only Amplifon (Miracle Ear). Sonova purchased AudioNova in 2016, significantly increasing its retail presence in Europe. In the United States, Sonova owns approximately 28 different hearing aid retail brands, including Connect, Elite Hearing Centers, Alpaca Audiology, and others. By the time they combine all of these under the AudioNova banner, HearingTracker estimates it should have more than 450 U.S. practices and retail locations.

The rebranding is ongoing, and North Carolina is the first state to launch a full consolidation of the brands under AudioNova, with completion slated for September 2024. Rebranding will follow in other states throughout the United States for the remainder of the year and into 2025.

Not just a name change!

This 2-year process of redefining the varied brands goes beyond simply changing names; it extends to aligning patient care philosophies, as well.

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The Swiss-based Sonova Group is the world's largest hearing healthcare group. It is made up of four separate but collaborative business units: Hearing Instruments, Consumer Hearing, Audiological Care, and Cochlear Implants. Connect Hearing, now AudioNova, falls under the Audiological Care division and, according to the company, is taking a new holistic approach to consumer hearing healthcare while aligning its numerous retail brands under the AudioNova name.

The global hearing healthcare company, Sonova, is organized into 4 business divisions with Connect Hearing and AudioNova occupying its Audiological Care unit.
The global hearing healthcare company, Sonova, is organized into 4 business divisions with Connect Hearing and AudioNova occupying its Audiological Care unit.

Increasing patient education and access about hearing solutions

Regarding the philosophical change, Sonova describes four key pillars of AudioNova / Connect Hearing:

  • Patient Education
  • Peak Hearing Healthcare
  • Convenience, and
  • Personalization.

According to Sonova, AudioNova wants consumers to have better access to education about hearing loss, hearing protection, tinnitus, and other hearing-related issues. They seek to increase consumers' access to a wide network of brick-and-mortar stores staffed by well-trained providers while increasing opportunities for remote care for people in rural areas, those who prefer convenient and time-saving online appointments, or who may have movement restrictions.

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AudioNova will also offer an e-commerce site for OTC hearing products like those they offer from Sennheiser.

Better and more individualized in-person patient care

Sonova notes that consumers’ hearing healthcare plans at AudioNova will be personalized to their individual needs. AudioNova / Connect Hearing is to provide more audiological-centered care and immersive approaches for the consumer.

For example, Sonova wishes to create a “hub and spoke” system for their stores. Larger stores or “hub” stores will provide more specialized care, such as tinnitus treatment and cochlear implant evaluations/referrals, in addition to hearing aid fittings. Smaller offices or “spoke” stores can refer to larger hub offices for more specialized audiological care, as needed, but will primarily focus on hearing health education and hearing aid fittings. The “hub and spoke” model allows the company to leverage each of its business groups to support its retail initiatives.

AudioNova/Connect is also redesigning its hearing clinics to support the immersive experience. The new design will encourage consumers to touch and listen to the available technology and ask questions about how to best treat their hearing loss. Their first concept store opened in Irvine, Calif.

The AudioNova/Connect concept store, like this one in Irvine, Calif, is designed to provide a more personalized and immersive experience for people interested in hearing solutions.
The AudioNova/Connect concept store, like this one in Irvine, Calif, is designed to provide a more personalized and immersive experience for people interested in hearing solutions.

Things we like about AudioNova / Connect Hearing

  • World leader - AudioNova/Connect are owned and operated by Sonova, a well-established hearing solutions company that sells some of the most sophisticated and popular hearing aid brands
  • Wide range of hearing solutions - Top-notch technology and hearing solutions for a wide range of hearing losses via both in-person and remote care
  • Extended service perks - 3-year warranty period and free batteries for 3 years (for non-rechargeable models)
  • Quality care - Utilizes best practices to objectively evaluate hearing aid fittings, and generally receives high marks by consumers
  • Personalized support - New "Hub and spoke" system for the network should provide for an enhanced referral network that includes better tinnitus and cochlear implant treatment options
  • Comprehensive care - Committed to better consumer education about hearing loss and hearing protection, in addition to hearing solutions


  • Service comes with a cost - Pricing is higher than some competitors
  • Smaller network than some - You won’t find a store in every state/city
  • Limited brand offerings - Focus will be on Sonova products
  • Shorter trial period - 45-day free trial period is shorter than some competitors
  • Hearing test - The AudioNova/Connect online hearing test requires you to give them your personal information, which means they can then pursue you for a purchase
  • Potential for "growing pains” - Although we view the changes as overwhelmingly positive, the 2-year process of rebranding from Connect Hearing to AudioNova could potentially cause some service glitches during the changeover

What brands does AudioNova / Connect Hearing sell?

Because Sonova owns and operates AudioNova / Connect Hearing, it's not surprising you'll mainly find the company's brands there: Phonak, Unitron, and Lyric, as well as AudioNova-branded hearing aids that strongly resemble hearing aids made by these companies. However, they note that if a consumer requires a different brand to best meet their needs, AudioNova/Connect can purchase other brands outside their portfolio.

Sonova also offers Sennheiser OTC products, which can be purchased online at the Sennheiser website or in the store. Currently, you cannot purchase them online via the AudioNova/Connect website, but Sonova told us they will soon add an e-commerce portal that will allow for ordering OTC hearing aids, among other products.

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Let's take a quick look at some of the standout products you'll likely see at AudioNova/Connect Hearing. Click on the bold-faced links below for more detailed information on the specific brands and products.

Phonak hearing aids

Phonak, the best-selling hearing aid brand in the United States, is prominently displayed on the AudioNova/Connect website. Currently, the hearing aids receiving the most attention are the company's new flagship Phonak Infinio™ product line. These hearing aids launched in August 2024 have a new ERA™ processing chip that offers advanced noise reduction, personalization features, excellent sound quality, and improved connectivity with one of the widest iOS and Android device ranges.

HearingTracker Audiologist Matthew Allsop reviews the features of Phonak's Audéo Sphere Infinio hearing aid.

By far, the hearing aid receiving the most attention is the Audio Sphere Infinio, the first hearing aid equipped with two chips: the ERA chip for the advanced processing noted above, and another chip called DEEPSONIC, fully dedicated to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Neural Network (DNN) processing. According to Phonak, Audéo Sphere Infinio allows for instant separation of speech from background noise and can give up to a 10 dB signal-to-noise (SNR) benefit—something that has only been seen before with the use of a remote microphone to improve hearing in noise.

HearAdvisor has also independently tested Audio Sphere Infinio and found it is, to date, the best hearing aid for hearing in noise, giving it an overall “A” SoundGrade. If you’d like to learn more about this product, see the article by HearingTracker editor Karl Strom, who also wore the hearing aids to garner his own personal experience.

Phonak Audéo Infinio Sphere L90

Phonak Audéo Infinio


Phonak’s Infinio Sphere, launched in August 2024, introduces the AI-driven DEEPSONIC chip, designed to enhance speech clarity in noisy environments. My hands-on testing left me impressed with the Sphere's performance, especially in background noise.

  • Listen to this device

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Ideal for
  • Music Lovers
  • Noisy Environments
  • Tinnitus Relief
Product Features
  • Hands-free calling
  • Rechargeable
  • iPhone Streaming
  • Android Streaming
  • Telecoil
  • IP Rating
Expert Review

Along with Sphere Infinio, there is also the rechargeable Audéo Infinio R, which has everything found in the Sphere Infinio, except it lacks the DEEPSONIC chip and the advanced AI processing that comes with it.

Virto Infinio is a full-featured rechargeable wireless in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aid that sports a cool, modern earbud/hearing aid appearance. For more discreet hearing solutions, there are the tiny Virto Infinio 10 NW O completely-in-canal (CIC) and Virto Infinio Titanium invisible-in-canal (IIC) hearing aids that run on button-cell batteries.

Phonak's Infinio hearing aids use the new powerful ERA chip and are available in different models, including (l to r): Audéo Sphere Infinio (which also contains the DEEPSONIC AI chip) and the Audéo Infinio R receiver-in-canal (RIC), and the Virto Infinio custom wireless in-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids. All three are rechargeable.
Phonak's Infinio hearing aids use the new powerful ERA chip and are available in different models, including (l to r): Audéo Sphere Infinio (which also contains the DEEPSONIC AI chip) and the Audéo Infinio R receiver-in-canal (RIC), and the Virto Infinio custom wireless in-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids. All three are rechargeable.

Phonak has a very broad selection of hearing aids to suit almost any hearing loss and lifestyle. Like Infinio, its Lumity family of hearing aids, introduced in August 2022, provide universal Bluetooth audio streaming and hands-free calling from most Bluetooth-capable devices, speech-in-noise enhancement, noise cancelation, motion sensors, tap controls, AI sound scene identification (AutoSense 5.0), and more. The Lumity line also includes Lumity Slim, which has a stylish elongated body, making it look more like an advanced communication device than a hearing aid.

Unitron hearing aids

AudioNova/Connect Hearing also offers Unitron hearing aids, which will be at a lower price point than most Phonak hearing aids. Products currently listed on their website include the Unitron Moxi™ Vivante and Stride™ Vivante hearing aids. These are offered either as a RIC style, which Unitron calls Moxi, or a traditional Behind-The-Ear (BTE) style, which is called Stride. Both offer sophisticated noise reduction, connectivity, and personalization features. Moxi and Stride Vivante are available in both rechargeable and disposable battery versions.

Unitron Moxi Vivante RIC and Stride Vivante BTE that uses a 312 disposable battery.
Unitron Moxi Vivante RIC and Stride Vivante BTE that uses a 312 disposable battery.

Introduced in April 2023, the Vivante product line builds on Unitron’s successful Unitron Blu hearing aid family. Both use the Sonova PRISM™ (Processing Real-time Intelligent Sound Management) chipset with Integra OS signal processing. At the highest tech level, Vivante adds HyperFocus, designed to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for face-to-face conversations in loud environments and automatically adapt to constantly changing listening conditions.

Unitron Moxi Vivante R 9

Unitron Moxi Vivante


The Unitron Vivante is a premium line of hearing aids introduced in April 2023, featuring advanced sound performance and personalized hearing control, especially in noisy environments. Available in multiple models, including receiver-in-canal (RIC) and behind-the-ear (BTE) styles, these hearing aids offer Bluetooth connectivity, hands-free calling, and compatibility with the Unitron Remote Plus app for enhanced user convenience and remote adjustments.

Product Features
  • Hands-free calling
  • Rechargeable
  • iPhone Streaming
  • Android Streaming
  • Telecoil
  • IP Rating

Phonak and Unitron accessories

Phonak is a long-time innovator and leader in hearing aid accessories, and Unitron and Phonak hearing aids connect to a variety of Remote Controls, PartnerMics, TV Connectors, and Roger Direct for enhancing your listening experience in various settings. These are usually sold separately.

Phonak Lyric

Phonak Lyric is a truly unique hearing aid—the industry's only 24/7 extended-wear, invisible, disposable hearing aid. It is inserted deeply into the ear canal by a trained and certified audiologist, hearing aid specialist, or otolaryngologist, where it can stay without needing to be removed until the battery wanes, which is usually around 2-3 months. At that point, you go back to your hearing provider and get it replaced, or in some cases, you can now periodically replace it yourself.

Audiologist Matthew Allsop's clinic in London is one of the largest dispensers of Phonak Lyric hearing aids in world. Here he provides an overview of the device.

Sennheiser OTC hearing aids and amplifiers

Although not listed on the AudioNova/Connect website at the time of this writing, Sennheiser products are also available via their stores. The Sennheiser All-Day Clear line consists of two OTC hearing aid styles: All-Day Clear Slim RIC with an earbud-style receiver, and the All-Day Clear that looks like a more traditional RIC prescription hearing aid, with the receiver inside the ear canal. Both are intended to fit mild-to-moderate hearing losses in adults.

Sennheiser All-Day Clear Slim OTC hearing aids.
Sennheiser All-Day Clear Slim OTC hearing aids.

Sennheiser also offers its Conversation Clear Plus hearing aids, which are earbud-type amplifiers that are not technically FDA-registered OTC hearing aids but function like one. It belongs to the growing class of "hearables" which blur the lines between a situational hearing aid and consumer audio products.

Sennheiser All-Day Clear Slim

Sennheiser All-Day Clear


The Sennheiser All-Day Clear Hearing Aid, priced at $949.95 per pair, offers rechargeable, FDA-approved OTC hearing aids designed for mild to moderate hearing loss. Featuring hands-free calling, Bluetooth streaming for both iPhone and Android, and intelligent scene detection for optimal sound quality, these devices provide a user-friendly and high-quality hearing solution.

  • Listen to this device

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Product Features
  • Hands-free calling
  • Rechargeable
  • iPhone Streaming
  • Android Streaming
  • Telecoil
  • IP Rating
Expert Review

OTC products, including those sold at AudioNova/Connect, are designed to address the affordability and accessibility concerns often seen with hearing aids. While the hearing aids are OTC, and you fit the amplified response yourself via the included app, Sennheiser still offers some level of support for the hearing aids as an optional package. AudioNova/Connect will provide a entry-level price points for Sennheiser OTC products.

What to expect when purchasing hearing aids from AudioNova / Connect Hearing

Regardless of the brand, your budget, or the particular features you are looking for in a hearing loss solution, AudioNova/Connect will offer a product to suit your needs. Their hearing solutions are designed to fit a wide range of hearing losses from mild to profound and can include tinnitus features or other specialty controls. As noted above, if your hearing loss is to a point where hearing aids may no longer be the most suitable solution, the professionals at AudioNova/Connect may refer you to a specialist (possibly within AudioNova/Connect network) to discuss cochlear implants.

1) Make an appointment and schedule a hearing test

As with most hearing aid retailers or audiologists' offices, the first step is to set an appointment and obtain a hearing test. You can check AudioNova/Connect Hearing's website to find a store in your area and make an appointment online, call[ 888-608-7462]( 888-608-7462), or email In the United States, there are approximately 450 clinics, but not every state has an AudioNova/Connect Hearing presence. For example, if you live in Alabama, Mississippi, or Louisiana, you may not have a location near you. However, states like California, Texas and Florida have a higher number of stores, and you’re likely to find one convenient to you.

AudioNova online hearing screening test.
AudioNova online hearing screening test.

If you would like to test your hearing in advance, you can use AudioNova's online hearing screener from their website. While this is not a diagnostic test, it can provide you with some basic information about your hearing status. Unfortunately, you are required to provide identifiable information, such as your name, e-mail, and phone number prior to taking the test. There are several other good online hearing tests that allow for a free hearing test without providing personal information.

Even with an online hearing test, if you are seen in a clinic, it's likely you'll get a more thorough hearing test. These are often done at no charge at retailers, including AudioNova/Connect, although we've seen some reports of Connect Hearing charging $50 (which is reasonable). Note that if this is your first time exploring your options for hearing care, HearingTracker recommends a comprehensive diagnostic hearing evaluation over a more basic hearing test.

2) Discuss your options with the Hearing Healthcare Professional

If you are a good candidate for a hearing aid, the AudioNova/Connect Hearing professional will discuss your options with you. This may include features to not only address your hearing loss but also to alleviate tinnitus if it is bothersome to you. The professional should ask you questions about how and when you experience hearing difficulty, your daily activities and lifestyle, and they may assess your ability to hear speech in noise.

Phonak image

As noted above, it’s highly likely that the products that are offered will be within the Sonova product portfolio, but as they have a wide range of hearing loss solutions, it’s likely you’ll find one that meets your needs. There is also a range of price points varying between $998 per pair (OTC) to $7740 a pair. Obviously, this is a broad range of prices and how much your hearing aid costs you out-of-pocket will be determined by the technology level, style and any accessories such as remote microphones.  If you have an insurance benefit AudioNova/Connect can check to verify your benefits and help you through the process; AudioNova/Connect accepts most major insurance plans. Also, financing options are available but be sure to understand your total cost if using a financing option as some plans significantly increase the overall cost of the hearing aids.

3) Purchase and trial the hearing aids

Once you have decided on purchasing hearing aids, you will be scheduled to be fit. At this initial appointment, the hearing healthcare professional will program the hearing aids to your specific hearing loss and listening needs, as well as ensure that the physical fit is appropriate and comfortable.

The AudioNova/Connect Hearing professional will ensure the proper fitting of the hearing aid, and they should also verify the fitting using best practices that include real-ear measurement.
The AudioNova/Connect Hearing professional will ensure the proper fitting of the hearing aid, and they should also verify the fitting using best practices that include real-ear measurement.

If your provider follows best practices, you should receive an objective real-ear/probe-microphone measurement (REM) to help confirm that the hearing aid programming is on target. You’ll also get a tutorial on handling and caring for the hearing aids. Most modern instruments utilize a smartphone app, and the professional may also help you download this and instruct you on how to use it to further personalize your hearing aid fitting.

At the time of your fitting, your hearing aid trial begins. AudioNova/Connect offers a 45-day risk-free trial period on all hearing solutions. This should be long enough for you to determine if the hearing aids will work for you. However, some of AudioNova/Connect’s competitors, like HearUSA, offer 60-day trial periods, and Costco offers a 100-day trial period. Your hearing provider may also offer to fit you with “loaner” trial hearing aids and then allow you to wear them for a 2-week period. This is also a risk-free way to trial the hearing aids without having to pay for them upfront. You can either return or start the purchase process.

4) Follow-up care and warranty

After your initial hearing aid fitting, it’s likely that you’ll be seen at least one additional time during the trial period to ensure that you are performing well with the hearing aids and to provide further education on how to manage them. After the trial period, if you decide to purchase the hearing aids, you’ll also have access to care from AudioNova/Connect. Your first few appointments will need to be in person but, for many people, later appointments can be completed via online telecare, if desired.

Hearing aid follow-up appointments can be done in person or, in some cases, online via telecare.
Hearing aid follow-up appointments can be done in person or, in some cases, online via telecare.

Typical services such as cleaning and follow-up appointments are covered under your warranty period and include programming updates. During the first year of ownership, you also have loss and damage coverage, meaning that AudioNova/Connect will replace or repair (if possible) your hearing aid for a $450 fee. For premium products, the warranty period is 3 years; lower-end products may carry only a 2-year warranty, so be sure to confirm with your hearing healthcare provider.

AudioNova/Connect also provides 3 years’ worth of batteries for those hearing aids that require standard batteries.

User reviews: What clients say about AudioNova/Connect Hearing

Overall, you’ll find that AudioNova/Connect has good to excellent ratings from consumers. For example, Facebook ratings indicate that 84% of people would recommend the company. Connect Hearing also has an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau. However, you may find that individual stores may not rate as high as others, with comments often involving poor interactions with staff or pricing. Because of this, we always recommend that you do your own research about your local store.

A Connect Hearing provider chats with a client during a follow-up visit.
A Connect Hearing provider chats with a client during a follow-up visit.

Consumer Reports gives Connect Hearing an overall satisfaction score of 75, ranking it high (4-5 out of 5) in all categories except price plan options (e.g., bundled vs unbundled pricing). This places Connect above other hearing care networks like Miracle-Ear (73), HearingLife (70), Beltone (67), and HearUSA (62), but not as high as others like the VA (95), Costco (90), Audibel/Starkey (84), and Sam's Club (79).

A range of experiences is to be expected with any company that has 450+ clinics. Even so, many people have commented online how helpful and caring many of the AudioNova/Connect professionals are, as well as how happy they have been with the technology.

HearingTracker Hearing Aid Forum member Miket wrote on July 2024:

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“[Connect Hearing] is owned by Sonova. Obviously, they only sell Phonaks. Turns out they have offices in Oakland and Miami–where we split our living time when not traveling. I bought my last HA at Costco because they have offices all over the country where I can get service...Wife needed her first HA and discovered Connect Hearing has an office 5 blocks from our condo. Unfortunately, they were booked up for next few weeks–so she got a next-day appointment in a suburban office. She [already had taken 2 hearing tests]–so they didn’t have to do that part. She got the [Phonak Audéo Lumity L90] model which has every feature (except useless waterproof). Being a company-owned store, they had virtually every color/model in stock. She came home that evening–ELATED. She was hearing “new” sounds. Even some of her tinnitus is covered up. Price was $4,100.”

Bottom line

AudioNova/Connect is a longstanding retail hearing aid company backed by a leader in the industry. They carry some of the most advanced hearing solutions on the market and offer a wide array of products to fit most budgets and hearing losses. While the company is in its transition, which is not only a rebranding but also a realignment of the network's treatment and care philosophy, there may be a few bumps in service or policy changes. We think much will depend on the individual store.

Overall, you should receive quality service as the company pushes towards a holistic and personalized experience. Keep in mind that AudioNova/Connect stores should have the equipment to perform probe microphone/real-ear measures, so be sure to ask for that service at the time of your fitting if it is not automatically performed by the hearing healthcare provider.