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Can I wear Silk X hearing aids at night for tinnitus relief?

Doctor of Audiology in Kailua

08 September 2020 - 1.23K Views

Other respondents have already mentioned reasons why you may not want to wear Silk X at night, but those reasons were all based on assumptions that aren't necessarily valid, and some asked why you would want to do this. I will mention a couple of reasons why someone might want to wear Silk X at night before I answer the actual question. The person may have a sleep partner who is bothered by any sort of artificial sound stimulus, so the hearing aids might be a convenient way of delivering the stimulus to only the person suffering from tinnitus. The person may not have hearing loss, and may not wear hearing aids during the day at all, so the ear canals may be able to breathe all day long. The person's audiologist may only have the tinnitus stimulus activated and may not have any gain applied to the hearing aid microphones, such that feedback would not occur, even with one ear against the pillow. And finally, the Signia tinnitus stimulus built into the Silks may be particularly effective for this person.

So my answer to your question is that yes, you can wear these hearing aids at night, provided you do not experience significant discomfort. If you do, I would suggest doing it under professional supervision and have your ear canals visually inspected every 1-2 weeks for the first couple of months to make sure the hearing aids are not causing any problems. I would have this professional remove any earwax from your ear canals so it doesn't get pushed towards the eardrum at night. The biggest concern with long-term use would be developing an erosion of the skin in the canal, would could expose the bone underneath in the bony part of the canal. It would be best to try to keep the Silks in the cartilaginous part of the canal by using an eartip that allows for relatively shallow insertion depth. And continue to have your ear canals inspected regularly.

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Sheri Gostomelsky, AuD

Doctor of Audiology

07 September 2020 - 1.25K Views

Wearing hearing aids at night is possible, however, not usually recommended.  We take off our shoes at night to avoid the growth of bacteria. It's the same with your ears. Removing hearing aids at  night, allows  your ears to breathe. Comfort should  also be  taken  into consideration.   There is one solution by Phonak, Lyric,  that is designed for 24-7 use. 

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Jeffrey Cline, BC-HIS


08 September 2020 - 1.23K Views

It is recommended that you give you ears so time to relax or air out. If you do wear them at night then at some point you may want to give the a break through out the day. Some of my patients will alternate right and left and wear one each night but not both everynight. 

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Jim Cone

Hearing Healthcare Provider

08 September 2020 - 1.24K Views

Yes. Though you might get feedback when lying on the left or right ear. This feedback many times can be adjusted. Also it is advised to make sure the ear canal has a few hours A-day to breath Unobstructed.

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Charles Darby PhD, MA, BC-HIS, BC-HIS

Hearing Healthcare Provider

07 September 2020 - 1.25K Views

Of course you can ... but why would you want to do that?  Not only would they be uncomfortable while you sleep, you take a chance of losing them during the typical tossing and turning.   I’ve had patients fall asleep with aids on to never see them again!  They somehow just disappear!!!  Dogs and cats love hearing aids and many aids have become great chew toys.  But seriously, there are better ways to treat your tinnitus while sleeping.  Sound machines with volume control (important to have VC) is a great nighttime replacement for masking sounds in aids.  The idea is to keep the aural pathways open so the brain is recognizing those tinnitus frequencies while you sleep. Studies have shown that over time, this form of therapy has effectively reduced the annoying tinnitus sounds.  Seek instruction by a trained provider as it’s important this therapy is administered properly. 

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