Carolyn O

Carolyn O

I have worn hearing aids for about 20 years. Right now I am using the Kirkland Brand hearing aids (with telecoil). If you want to know about telecoil and you wear hearing aids, this 6 minute video is for you: What is Telecoil & How Can I Use it?

I also use Zoom a lot and now you can caption inside Zoom with the AVA app. The AVA app is a speech to text app that is available both on Google Play Store & the App store (free). If you are a host to the Zoom meeting you can provide captions for your participants. If you want a free live demo, by AVA, go here to sign up:

Once you get AVA permission, I put together a 13 minute video of how to caption in Zoom. You would need to copy/paste this link into your browser to see it:

Carolyn J. Odio, Resident Council Rep & Hearing Loss Group at

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