Oticon Zircon 1 miniRITE-R vs. Oticon Zircon 1 miniRITE-T
Check out our comparison of the Oticon Zircon 1 miniRITE-R vs Oticon Zircon 1 miniRITE-T. See how the two hearing aids differ in terms of technology features, accessories, and more.
The Oticon Zircon is a cost-effective hearing aid that integrates Oticon's advanced Polaris™ chip platform, designed to provide quality sound processing and essential features such as hands-free calling, audio streaming, and tinnitus support. Available in two technology levels and multiple styles, the Zircon offers flexibility for various hearing needs and comes with both rechargeable and standard battery options, making it a versatile choice for users seeking modern hearing aid technology at a lower price point.
The Oticon Zircon is a cost-effective hearing aid that integrates Oticon's advanced Polaris™ chip platform, designed to provide quality sound processing and essential features such as hands-free calling, audio streaming, and tinnitus support. Available in two technology levels and multiple styles, the Zircon offers flexibility for various hearing needs and comes with both rechargeable and standard battery options, making it a versatile choice for users seeking modern hearing aid technology at a lower price point.
- Mild
- Moderate
- Severe
- Mild
- Moderate
- Severe
- Made for iPhone (MFi)
- Android (ASHA)
- Made for iPhone (MFi)
- Android (ASHA)
- Made for iPhone (MFi)
- Accessory required (Android)
- Made for iPhone (MFi)
- Accessory required
- Program control
- Volume Control
- Mute control
- Program control
- Volume Control
- Mute control
- Oticon charger
- SmartCharger
- Oticon charger
- ConnectClip
- ConnectClip
- Phone Adapter 2.0
- Phone Adapter 2.0
- Companion App
- Companion App
- Remote Control 3.0
- ConnectClip
- Companion App
- ConnectClip
- Remote Control 3.0
- Companion App
- ConnectClip
- ConnectClip
- On App
- Companion App
- On App
- Companion App
- ConnectClip
- ConnectClip
- TV Adapter 3.0
- TV Adapter 3.0