GN has announced the integration and rebranding of Lively to Jabra Enhance and the creation of the new website to allow more consumers to explore, purchase and receive hearing care in the U.S. from home. The company is also announcing three Jabra Enhance Select products available from the new website, which beginning in 2023 will offer the company’s over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids to consumers while continuing to offer access to counseling and care from licensed hearing care professionals.

Lively’s existing hearing aid technology will continue to be offered, but now as Jabra Enhance Select 50, Enhance Select 100 (shown above), and Enhance Select 200, and the Lively Connect app will be renamed Jabra Enhance Select.
Lively’s existing hearing aid technology will continue to be offered, but now as Jabra Enhance Select 50, Enhance Select 100 (shown above), and Enhance Select 200, and the Lively Connect app will be renamed Jabra Enhance Select.

Last December, GN acquired Lively, a leading online hearing aid sales and digital marketing platform that allows consumers to purchase and receive hearing care from licensed hearing care professionals in the United States. GN has been Lively’s sole supplier of hearing aids since the online company’s founding in 2018. At the time of the purchase, Lively was reportedly growing at a triple-digit rate, with sales of around $15 million.

In February, GN launched its Jabra Enhance Plus medical-grade FDA-approved hearing aids that look like modern wireless earbuds but deliver speech amplification, directional microphones, noise reduction, and feedback suppression—functionality more often associated with traditional hearing aids. They also stream audio and provide hands-free calling via Bluetooth® (iOS only).

Jabra Enhance Plus hearing aids.
Jabra Enhance Plus hearing aids.

According to GN, the new Jabra Enhance Plus hearing enhancement earbuds will be available on in Q1 2023 as its first OTC offering. Lively’s existing hearing aid technology will continue to be offered, but now as Jabra Enhance Select 50, Enhance Select 100, and Enhance Select 200. The Lively Connect app will be renamed Jabra Enhance Select, and Lively’s Audiology Team, 100-day risk free trial, flexible payment options and warranty will all remain as key elements of the Jabra Enhance offering.

“We are thrilled to team up with Jabra as a global pioneer in audio innovation for 150 years of sound engineering to shape the future of online hearing care,” said Adam Karp, CEO of Lively in a press statement. “While our name has changed, our mission has not. Together with Jabra, we will deliver the same innovative and convenient care model to our customers while now accelerating our efforts to elevate the hearing care experience and expanding our reach for millions of Americans in need of hearing solutions.”

Lively CEO Adam Karp and Jabra Senior VP Calum MacDougall
Lively CEO Adam Karp and Jabra Senior VP Calum MacDougall

“The introduction of Jabra Enhance comes at a pivotal time in the hearing health industry,” said Calum MacDougall, Senior Vice President at Jabra. “Whether you need a hearing enhancing earbud, a stand-alone OTC hearing aid, or professional programming and support, the Jabra Enhance offering will cover the hearing needs for millions of Americans, with an easy online destination to explore, purchase and receive care.”

The inclusion of Lively into the Jabra Enhance offering comes as hearing health is being elevated on the overall U.S. healthcare agenda. Today, only 1 in 5 people who could benefit from hearing improvement wears hearing aids. On October 17, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s regulation for over-the-counter hearing aids went into effect. will serve as a destination for millions of Americans who experience mild to moderate hearing loss but don't currently take action on their hearing health.

Three Jabra Select models to choose from

Jabra Enhance offers the unique hearing aids to choose from, coming in at $1,195, $1,595, and $1,995 per pair. Bread Pay™ financing plans are also available starting at $39 per month. The two more expensive models are rechargeable, and come with charger included. The top-level model is unique in offering hands-free calling for iPhone users and Jabra's most advanced speech processing, noise reduction, and directionality.

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