KS10 availability update — November 2022

In November 2022, HearingTracker broke the news that Sonova, manufacturer of Kirkland Signature KS10 and Phonak Brio hearing aids sold by Costco, had decided to discontinue sales of all products to Costco, citing “the decision to focus the distribution of our Phonak brand with strategic channels and eliminate our offering in certain large retail chains.” That means, at this writing, you cannot purchase the KS10 or Brio 4 and Brio 5 models previously sold by Costco. If you've been fitted with the KS10 or Brio products, you will still be able to receive all services and support associated with the hearing aids from Costco hearing care professionals.

HearingTracker Audiologist Matthew Allsop provides an update on the pause in sales and possible discontinuation of the Costco KS10.

Costco’s Kirkland Signature hearing aids look a lot like the latest hearing aids from Sonova, the Swiss hearing aid manufacturer behind brands like Phonak, Unitron, and Hansaton. They were available for $1,399.99 per pair, including a portable charger, at all U.S. Costco Hearing Aid Centers.

Kirkland Signature 10.0 with Tcoil
The new Kirkland Signature 10.0, and what comes in the box.

Based on product descriptions from the KS10 User Portal and product information brochure, it seems that the latest Kirkland Signature hearing aids don’t just look like the other popular Sonova hearing aids—they are functionally similar too:

  • Simultaneous connections to two Bluetooth devices
  • Built-in motion sensor that improve speech understanding when walking
  • Personalized noise cancellation via smartphone app
  • Tap control to answer phone calls, pause/resume streaming, activate voice assistant
  • Lithium-ion rechargeable batteries
  • Onboard tcoils to pick up landline calls and hearing loop broadcast audio
  • 20 fine-tuning channels, 9 automatic programs, 4 manual programs
  • Tinnitus relief
  • 4 receiver power levels
  • Accessories: TV Connector, PartnerMic, RemoteControl, Power Pack, and Roger compatibility

KS10 Rechargeability

The KS10 hearing aids come with a plug-in hard-shell charging case. The hearing aids may be recharged fully within 3 hours, and to 80%. capacity within 1.5 hours. A separate Easy Line Power Pack is available for purchase, which provides multiple charges on the go.

KS10 Charger
KS10 "Charger Case" and "Easy Line Power Pack".

KS10 versus latest Sonova hearing Aids

Importantly, it seems like the new KS10 is functionally similar to the most premium Sonova models (which typically cost 3-5x as much as the KS10), because Sonova has included premium features like “Echo Manager” (presumably similar to Echo Block), and “Speech Boost”, which again is only available in the most premium Sonova models as “Speech Enhancer.” Additionally, the KS10 includes 20 fine tuning channels, just like other top end Sonova models.

Costco versus local practice

Is it worth spending more at a local independent hearing care practice? Well, that all depends. Many people in the Hearing Aid Forum are completely happy with their Costco hearing aids. However, some have reported long wait times, and variable quality audiological care. The most important thing in succeeding with hearing aids is receiving the absolute best quality of care (research shows it means more than the hearing aids in terms of your ultimate benefit with the devices). So, be sure to evaluate the local options, and ensure you choose the best service provider available to you!