BLOOMINGTON, MINN — In recognition of Black History Month, GN will once again donate a portion of proceeds from top-level ReSound Nexia, Beltone Serene, and Audigy AGXR XF hearing aids sold in the U.S. in February to the GN Hearing Scholarship fund.

The GN Hearing Scholarship started in 2021 to help improve diversity in hearing healthcare by supporting Black students pursuing a career in audiology and hearing sciences at a Historically Black College or University (HBCU). Recipients receive $10,000 ($5,000 per semester). To date, three students attending Hampton University have been awarded the GN scholarship: Shamine Alves, Darchayla Lewis and Chanel Hudson.

The GN Hearing Scholarship is a community educational initiative championed by Black@GN, an employee resource group at the company.